Just a Quick Update!

by jonnahzkennedy

Hey guys, 

So this is just a quick update because i haven’t posted anything in a while! I’ve been very busy editing The Place Beyond the Courtyard, and of course school so I haven’t had a lot of time to just blog. Anyhow, here is the weekend publishing schedule that I hope to meet:

Saturday and Sunday will include a new Divergent post, likely a discussion between a friend on Goodreads and I concerning YA (VERY, VERY LONG, JUST SAYING; like it might be a two or three parter), a new Drafts 101 (this one will be on World Building), and a review of Cassandra Clare’s The Shadowhunter’s Codex and a possible review on Divergent, though I’m not so sure on that one yet, and I may post an analysis of YA literature, of course, that may take some time and I might do it as a very special post series in May. 

So there’s just a little juice for you to suck on for the time being, in the meanwhile: why are you reading this post! You should be writing, or reading, or doing something else important, you’re being bad! I know you have something you’re working on, you’re just stuck, you get one free cat video and then it’s back to work young man or lady!

(I didn’t say it was going to be a short cat video),
